Grand Sablon, Bruxelles • BE0891.667.748

Daily appointments in all Belgian provinces

Like to have your antiques valued?
Request a free valuation of your antiques

Free antiques valuation? Contact Antiek Picart! We make it very easy for you to request a free valuation of your antiques. Simply fill out our ‘Free antiques valuation’ form to benefit from the expertise of our antique experts without obligation. The valuation of your antiques is completely free of charge.

How to request a free valuation
To have your antiques valued by our antique experts, simply send a photo ¹ of your antique object using the ‘Free antique valuation’ form below. We will provide you with a free approximate valuation within 24 hours of receiving your request The only condition your object must fulfil for free valuation is that it is within our area of purchasing interest.

Free antique valuation form

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Allowed file types: gif jpg png txt pdf doc docx jpeg.
Files must be less than 12 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png txt pdf doc docx jpeg.
Files must be less than 12 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png txt pdf doc docx jpeg.

If you wish to send us more than three photos for the free valuation of your antiques, email them to

The fields with * are mandatory.

¹ If an error is displayed when you try to upload a photo for a free valuation of an antique object, please save the photo in a lower resolution (less than 3000x3000 pixels) and upload again. You could use the tool on this website as needed:


Antique valuations are free of charge, including at your home!

Your antiques valued free of charge? From Antwerp to Brussels and Limburg to East Flanders, our antique dealers are always in your neighbourhood, wherever you are in Belgium, for a free valuation of your antiques. To make an appointment, call 0476 48 68 28 (+32 476 48 68 28) or email We can be reached 7 days a week for a free antiques valuation at your home.

For more details about our Free Antiques Valuation – including at your home – read this